JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR | The path to the administrator folder. |
JPATH_BASE | The path to the installed Joomla! site. |
JPATH_CACHE | The path to the cache folder. |
JPATH_COMPONENT | The path to the current component being executed. |
JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR | The path to the administration folder of the current component being executed. |
JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE | The path to the site folder of the current component being executed. |
JPATH_CONFIGURATION | The path to folder containing the configuration.php file. |
JPATH_INSTALLATION | The path to the installation folder. |
JPATH_LIBRARIES | The path to the libraries folder. |
JPATH_PLUGINS | The path to the plugins folder. |
JPATH_ROOT | The path to the installed Joomla! site. |
JPATH_SITE | The path to the installed Joomla! site. |
JPATH_THEMES | The path to the templates folder. |
JPATH_XMLRPC | The path to the XML-RPC Web service folder.(1.5 only) |
fonte :
Neste exemplo, o local de URI Joomla é mostrado com ambos os valores do argumento:
echo 'Joomla base URI is ' . JURI::base() . "\n"; echo 'Joomla base URI (path only) is ' . JURI::base( true ) . "\n";
fonte :