
quinta-feira, 18 de julho de 2013

Variáveis constantes do Joomla 1.5

JPATH_ADMINISTRATORThe path to the administrator folder.
JPATH_BASEThe path to the installed Joomla! site.
JPATH_CACHEThe path to the cache folder.
JPATH_COMPONENTThe path to the current component being executed.
JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATORThe path to the administration folder of the current component being executed.
JPATH_COMPONENT_SITEThe path to the site folder of the current component being executed.
JPATH_CONFIGURATIONThe path to folder containing the configuration.php file.
JPATH_INSTALLATIONThe path to the installation folder.
JPATH_LIBRARIESThe path to the libraries folder.
JPATH_PLUGINSThe path to the plugins folder.
JPATH_ROOTThe path to the installed Joomla! site.
JPATH_SITEThe path to the installed Joomla! site.
JPATH_THEMESThe path to the templates folder.
JPATH_XMLRPCThe path to the XML-RPC Web service folder.(1.5 only)

fonte : http://docs.joomla.org/Constants

 Neste exemplo, o local de URI Joomla é mostrado com ambos os valores do argumento:

echo 'Joomla base URI is ' . JURI::base() . "\n";
echo 'Joomla base URI (path only) is ' . JURI::base( true ) . "\n";

fonte : http://docs.joomla.org/JURI/base

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